(c) Immunoblot for LDLR in the livers of CETP-ApoB100 mice treated with vehicle, canagliflozin, SGLT2 ASO or insulin (n=3C4 per group)

(c) Immunoblot for LDLR in the livers of CETP-ApoB100 mice treated with vehicle, canagliflozin, SGLT2 ASO or insulin (n=3C4 per group). decreased plasma triglyceride amounts. SGLT2 inhibition was connected with elevated lipoprotein lipase activity in the post heparin plasma, reduced postprandial lipemia and quicker clearance of radiolabeled VLDL from blood flow. Additionally, SGLT2 inhibition postponed … Continue reading (c) Immunoblot for LDLR in the livers of CETP-ApoB100 mice treated with vehicle, canagliflozin, SGLT2 ASO or insulin (n=3C4 per group)